Risk hai to Ishq hai

Dive into Options Trading


R K Gupta &
Sakshi Gupta

Idea behind this book is to make people aware about Stock Market Options Trading and making consistent source of income through it. Why Options Trading should be done?
This book also clears the myths about Options Trading and also talk about Risk Management in Options Trading.
This book has some strategies also which can be learned by beginners as well as advanced people too for generating the consistent monthly returns.

In this book the authors Sakshi Gupta and RK Gupta, share their knowledge based on their experience about options trading to help others.
This book is a product of 12 years of thinking and experience about options trading. If this book would be able to change the reader’s way of thinking about options trading by even one life changing idea, then it would be worth the effort.
This book will help you to strengthen your positive beliefs towards Options trading and motivate you to take a step ahead towards your financial freedom.

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